Well, here it is, my limited offerings of furry/natural artwork. Now hopefully I'll be able to quadruple the amount of work hosted here by the end of second semester with my Drawing II class, and as I get better and drawing in general. I still have to practice obviously but at least I now have the drive to continue to do so once again.

Natural Artwork:

An owl! (duh) Drawn this semester (2002) for my art class
A cheetah laying down. Also drawn for my art class
This one I am very happy with ^-^ Took about 4 hours partly because I was trying to figure out how let the shading make the contour lines. In reality the left eye is a bit messed up but thanks to the joys of photoshop I fixed that :P
This one is a bit older...drawn back in 2001 on a whim. It is a Jaguar and taken off the "Wildlife Factfile" fact sheets.

Anthro Artwork:

A sketch of an anthro raccoon looking contemplative, drawn while my roommate decided to watch a stupid movie at midnight so I decided to draw and this came out. Pretty happy with it.
One of 4 limited anthro pics (1 of 2 actually scanned) I wasn't sure how to color these so I just used spot color. Still turned out nice though, but trying to draw animals digigrade is -very- hard.